Friday, 16 September 2016


Activities for Library Periods

Here is a list of activities intended for students of classes VI to X, to be conducted during the first half of their library period, once in two weeks. Students are free to choose their library activity.
S. No.ActivityHow?
1.Read AloudLet students to read aloud a story or some paragraphs from a book when others listen. Ask simple but interesting questions based on the presentation.
2.Present a Book ReviewStudents will present their short book reviews from their library notebooks. Let others to ask questions based on it.
3.Book TalkStart a discussion on a book / series of books with a group of students. Exchange views and comments. The talk will be about,( i) The title of the book (part/series) ii) author (other books) (iii) illustrator (iv) kind of book/story (adventure, mystery, fantasy, etc) (v) a brief outline of the story (not a narration) (vi) style of writing (descriptive, conversational, first person, etc)(vii) main characters, if any (viii)reading out one or two excepts (ix) suggested readership level and interest (x) personal response and why (xi) what made them borrow the book. Did anyone suggest it?, (xii) any other interesting features they noticed.
4.Library Scavenger Hunt
(Library Treasure Hunt)
This activity is for your students to better understand the library and to see all that it has to offer. Divide your students into several different groups in an effort to finish a library scavenger hunt first. Give each group a list of ten different items they need to find or list. Some examples of items on the scavenger hunt can be to “Introduce yourself to the librarians and list their names on this sheet,” “List three bound magazine titles and explain what bound magazines are” and “Locate and list a reference book that represents one of your interests”. The first team that answers all the questions correctly wins a prize. All the groups learn a lot more about the library than they knew before.
Clues lead from book to book, from section to section in a random way.
5.Vote your Favourite characterHave a vote for your favorite character. Give small pieces of papers to all and tell them to write the name of their favourite character.
6.Cell Phone for your Book CharacterCreate a cell phone for that person (character) with information about their contacts, text message conversations, missed calls, and applications.
7.Mystery BagUses paper bags to conceal book covers.  Students get a ‘mystery’ book that they can’t look at before checking it out.  After reading it they report back to the librarian on how they liked the book.  Kids will love the anticipation of getting something unknown to read.
8.Glad Book Sad BookGlad Book Sad Book teaches children how to treat library materials and reinforces how to properly care for books and how to behave in a library. Tape happy and sad faces to a cube the children will roll. Have the children take turns rolling the cube. If a student rolls a happy face, she should provide one example of a way to care for a library book or one way that a person should behave in the library. If the student rolls a sad face, he should give an example of a way to mistreat a library book or a way a person might behave poorly in a library. Create a game board with a finish line and advance each team’s token with every example of happy or sad books they provide, or just play until the time allowed has elapsed or students are out of examples.
9.Readers’ Theatre

This activity can help students become more excited about material in classic works of literature that are found in the library. Select several groups of students in a class or grade to put on a presentation of a scene or two from a work of fiction. The presentation can be funny, serious or a mix of both. Try to encourage students who would not normally participate by making it a competition of some kind with a big prize. The students do not have to memorize lines, they simply can sit in their chairs and read the book, but they can use their voices to make the material fun and interesting. This can encourage those watching the presentation to read more after seeing the words come to life. It may just encourage the groups gunning for the cash prize to read a book out loud in a ridiculous way. Either way, more students read as a result of the activity.
10.Book BuffetThe activity gives students an opportunity to read genres that they never would have picked up by themselves. Place a different book on each desk in a classroom. Tell students that they will be reading the book for 5 to 8 minutes and then you will tell them to switch with someone else. These books should be of a great variety with many different types represented. At the end of the class, students should have switched 5 to 10 times. Ask them if there are any books they started that they would continue to read if they had the chance. If so, make sure those students get a copy of the books they enjoyed.
11.Story Time
(Story telling & Story reading)
Story time isn’t just for little kids, although it’s an excellent way to engage young students and introduce them to the pleasures of reading. For older students who can already read, consider making story time an “open mic” event. Have story hour once a month and have students sign up for five- or 10-minute slots in which they can tell or read an original story to younger students.  For older students, read out a continuing story or a novel each week.
12.News and ViewsThis activity helps students to understand and analyze a news story from different viewpoints. Same news item covered by different newspapers will be read aloud and discussed.
13.G. K. HuntStudents will find prospective General Knowledge bits from the newspaper of the day. They shall be divided into groups and each group will scan one newspaper.
14.Headline GrabberHeadlines from the newspaper will be collected and studied for their grammar, presentation and viewpoints.
15.Words of the DayStudents will find difficult/new words from the newspaper. The meaning of the words will be written from the dictionary/thesaurus.
16.Quiz TimeQuestions may be prepared on books, authors, events, etc. Oral, written or visual rounds may be conducted.
17.   Story weavingWeave a story. Thread of the story may be given or only the first line. Students in groups can complete the story. The completed story will be presented at the end.
18.Journal TalkLike book talk, a journal/periodical in the library can be read and reviewed. Tell the students to collect information from 5-10 journals (name, publisher, place, theme, cost, frequency, language, style of writing, readership) and present it.
19.Find the MeaningPocket dictionaries to find the meaning of given words quickly.
20.Know the EncyclopediaLet the students to note down one piece of information they really want to know. Librarian shows how to choose the right level of encyclopedia and also how to access the material. A discussion can be initiated about the kind of encyclopedia and how the entries are arranged.
21.Go placesGroups of students are given with atlases. Ask them to select any place in the world they have heard about and would like to visit. They can be taught to go to the index, locate page number and coordinates. Let them to use left hand for ‘latitude’ and right hand for ‘longitude’ and make the fingers meet when they find the place. Supplement the activity with wall maps and globes.
22.Book AuctionOne set of children extols the virtues of the book they have read and enjoyed, to a younger group or to a set of their own class. They do this in the style of an auctioneer. No money transaction involved.
23.Design a Book JacketCompetition to design a jacket/dust cover for a selected book is conducted.
24.Design a BookmarkCompetition to design bookmark based on a selected theme is conducted. Best bookmarks shall be awarded.
25.Create a BibliographyGive a topic and let them to search the library database and shelves.
26.Preparing Article IndexTell them first how to index an article. Periodicals/journals/newspapers are given to students find articles and index them.
27.Interview a ReaderA good reader will be on the ‘hot seat’. Let others ask questions on anything related to his/her reading.
28.Making a map of the LibraryStudents will draw map of the library in detail. Let them to suggest better designs.
29.Letter to your favourite authorLet students to write short letters to their favourite authors. Best letters may be selected and send to the author if appropriate. Many authors like to reply to children.
30.Illustrations from story booksStudents will make illustrations for a selected story.
31.Making shelf guides and labels for the LibraryHelps to understand the library classification and shelf arrangement. Boost creativity.
32.Quick Searcher

Give a ready reference question and let students to search the answer with reference books or on internet.
33.Adopt a ShelfA group of students will adopt a shelf in the library. During library periods they will arrange the books properly and literally ‘look after’ the shelf. Their names shall be displayed on the shelf.


Library Rules

  1. All students and staff of the school are members of the library.
  2. A student can borrow only two books at a time for a period of two weeks.
  3. A staff member can borrow maximum five books at a time for a period of one month.
  4. Books will be issued to the students, during the library periods. No book will be issued or returned during the teaching hours.
  5. Marking, underlining or writing on library books, periodicals, and newspapers is strictly forbidden.
  6. Reference books and current periodicals will not be issued to any member. These can be consulted only in the library.
  7. If the books are not returned within the specified time it will be viewed seriously and fine will be charged as per rules.
  8. The Librarian may call for a book at any time, even if the normal period of loan has not expired.
  9. In case of book is misused, wrongly handled or lost the person concerned will have to replace the book or pay the current market price of the book.
  10. After reading, make sure that the books, periodicals and newspapers are kept back at their respective places.
  11. The members should take good care of library furnishings and equipment. Make sure the library looks as good when you leave as it did when you came in.
  12. Drink and food are not allowed in the Library.
  13. Library computers are for academic purpose only. Do not tamper with the computer settings. Follow the internet safety guidelines.
  14. A ‘No Dues Certificate’ by each student is to be obtained from the Librarian while his/her transfer/withdrawal from the school.
  15. Strict order and silence shall be maintained in the library and speak softly if needed.

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